
In Kenya, 1 in every 25 children is estimated to be on the spectrum. In Africa, Kenya is among the top ten countries with the highest autism prevalence. We offer training and technical assistance to families, professionals, and organisations dealing with those living on the spectrum.

Worldwide autism prevalence has increased by 178% since 2000.


One percent of the world’s population has been diagnosed with autism.


Autism Voice For Children

is an organization that empowers parents and caregivers with information

and resources to understand

and meet the needs of

autistic children. We offer guidance on education,

talent identification, and behaviour.



Early diagnosis and intervention are vital for children on the spectrum. We provide free screenings for concerned parents.

Click HERE to register for FREE AUTISM SCREENING


We provide training to parents, teachers, organizations, institutions, and the public involved in parenting children on the autism spectrum.

Autism Teachers Training

Enable educators to effectively and compassionately support children with autism. Equip them with the knowledge and skills to understand behavioural patterns, specific needs, Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), assessments, and effective strategies for successful learning.

Autism Caregivers Training (Group Sessions)

Equip yourself with the basic knowledge you need to confidently respond to the daily needs of children on the spectrum. Whether you’re a parent, nanny, or another type of caregiver, this training is suitable for you. 

Corporate Human Resource Training

Our training program will help you learn how to create a safe and welcoming environment for autistic individuals to learn and thrive.


We offer consulting services to organizations, enterprises, institutions, and any other category that needs technical expertise input on matters of autism.

Consult as You Parent 1:1

Get personalized guidance for parenting a child with autism. Overcome challenges in behavior, education, and talent development with our expert team.

Consultancy  and Research

Our technical consultancy services are designed to provide institutions with the expertise they need. 

Speaking Engagements (Dr. Neema Lema)

Dr. Neema Lema is an expert in autism and child health. A respected consultant and speaker.

Join our Trainings, Advocate, or Donate.

Email: support@autismvoiceforchildren.com

Call or WhatsApp Us: +254708994684